Photography by Liana Carbone

ines heals

Spiritual Healing for healers and visionaries.

Unleash the real you and live a life of passion without compromise.

Discover the power of your authentic self and succeed in this world.

Learn more or work 1:1 with me

Photography by Liana Carbone

it’s time for more life

It won’t cut it for you to stay small and be afraid of taking good risks anymore. You’re about to learn how to be the person you truly are in this world.

It’s time for you to open your heart, unleash your authenticity, mobilize your courage, and leave your fears in the past.

I spent most of my life feeling alien, inadequate and uncertain about almost every aspect of myself. I had a terrible time in relationships and was afraid of failure even when I was succeeding.

It took me a very long time to get to the other side of my struggles, but when I did, I learned that life and the extraordinary within it was so much accessible than I thought. I’m going to help you learn the same thing.

1:1 Spiritual healing

Get the support you need to heal from self-doubt, awaken your power, trust in your authentic Truth, and succeed as your unapologetic Self in this world.



What my clients are saying…


hi! i’m INes…

I started my practice as an Astrologer and Energy Healer six years back. I’ve had a lot of ups and down on my journey, and I’ve learnt a lot about what it means to stay true to yourself no matter what.

If you want to work with me, it’s probably because you want to unlock the power of listening to your heart and letting it guide you to where you need to go. So let’s get to it.

read more about me.


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