Your fear is not a problem to be solved.


“Fear is not a problem to be solved, it’s a gift in the equation of expanding possibilities.”


How many times in one day do you experience fear?

For those of us who are being honest with ourselves, it’s multiple times a day. No matter what income level you’re at or how much success you’ve had in your business, you will experience fear.

As the natural antithesis to love (the nature of reality), fear is only playing its part in recalibrating you to the middle ground of your experience, that place we call the present moment. It shows you what is blocking you from fully, consciously participating in your life, relationships, finances and business.

Fear will always be a part of the human experience, even after you’ve done all the spiritual work you thought would fully eliminate your fear. When you stop viewing fear as something negative, a problem to be solved, a struggle to overcome, you will begin to find a way of leaning into it in order to use it to your advantage.

It’s true that in the higher dimensions fear does not exist. When we ascend and rediscover our nature as multidimensional, galactic and even universal beings, we access the “place” in which unity consciousness resides, and we experience a reality without fear. But for most of us, no matter how spiritual, how dedicated, and how ritualistic, our participation in the 3D world will bring with it the experience of fear.

Instead of struggling against the many iterations fear takes the form of: iterations like self-doubt, low self-worth, fear of failure, etc., we will sooner arrive at a place of liberation if we accept fear as a part of our experience, and accept that our fear is not a bad thing. It doesn’t mean we are wrong, it doesn’t mean anybody else is wrong, and it doesn’t require any blaming or shaming of any kind.

One practice you can begin right now to help shift your way of experiencing fear is to simply think or say the word “thinking” every time you experience fear. By allowing yourself to realize that your fear is only a thought-form, a product of your thinking, and a product of your thought that requires no resistance, you will find yourself able to move into the present moment (which has no space for fear) at a more rapid pace.

But where are my next clients going to come from? Thinking.

What if I don't make enough to [insert desire here]? Thinking.

What if nobody cares about what I have to say? Thinking. 

You see, in life and in business, fear is only a gift in the equation of expanding possibilities; it’s merely showing you exactly where you get in your own way.

If you can stop seeing fear as something bad, as something you need to fix, as a problem that needs solving, as a struggle that proves you’re not ready to level up, as something you need to concretize, hold onto and get out of, it will lose all of its power, and simply become another passing experience, like clouds moving across the sky.

The only thing that makes fear an obstacle to your success is your belief that it is so. Begin to view fear without the attached notion that something is broken and needs fixing, and you will transcend it more easily and make space for your capacity to relax into the present moment.

With love,


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